Food & Treats
Grain-free frozen raw dog food made using quality ingredients and single-source protein in an 80|10|10 mix of meat, bones and offal.
100% Natural, Healthy and Nutritious
Delicious snack suitable for all dogs with added botanicals.
Super-boost your pet`s diet with Dorwest's top-selling Keeper`s Mix dietary supplement. Specially formulated using a blend of eight herbs, this supplement is perfectly balanced to provide natural antioxidants (to neutralise free radicals), vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, fibres and complex bioactive compounds. Keeper`s Mix promotes all-round health, supporting vital organs and maintaining natural balance in your pet`s body, as well as encouraging a thick and healthy coat.
Kronch Pemmikan is a high-energy supplementary feed that provides almost instant usable energy for dogs. It’s made from essential levels of fat, protein, and glucose.